Donations via ICE subscriptions
The process is simple
Select Benevolent Fund Voluntary
Opt in
Set your email and communication preference to receive email from ICE
Corporate payment
If your employer pays your ICE subscription, it is unlikely that you contribute to the Ben Fund
100% of member donations are given back out to an ICE member in need
The Benevolent Fund operates as a separate Charity to the ICE and as such receives no funding from ICE subscriptions or from ICE itself. ICE members wishing to support the work of their Ben Fund need to opt into an annual voluntary donation in addition to their ICE subscription payment.
You can check whether you donate via your MyICE account. You can also alter the amount you pay annually if you wish.
If your employer pays your ICE subscription it is unlikely it pays a voluntary donation to the Ben Fund on your behalf. For more ways to donate go back to ‘Support us’
You can check your donation status through the subscription period - October to March.
Reasons why our members donate
Hear from past Patron and ICE President, Paul Sheffield, and other ICE members and supporters, about why they donate to their Benevolent Fund

The difference we make in the words of those we help