Your talking therapy
How we support you
Telephone counselling
All counsellors are accredited. Start by calling our helpline number.
UK helpline number
0800 587 3428
Overseas helpline number
+ 44 1482 699 177
Face-to-face counselling
Sessions to help you through challenging times. You can call our 24-hour helpline or call or email the Ben Fund office to arrange.
Specialist counselling
To help manage stress, anxiety and anxiety-based depression. Delivered by our partners at Anxiety UK or Open Door for those under 18. You can call or email the Ben Fund office to arrange.
Available 24/7 for advice on a vast range of topics. Callers can be referred to telephone or face to face counselling.
Confidential, expert advice on a vast range of topics.

When you’re not sure where to turn or just need a friendly ear, help is available. Working with specialists, we can help you and your family cope with challenges and crises. Whatever is worrying you, it’s good to talk it through with a trained professional.
Our counselling service provides 24-hour, 7 days a week access to trained counsellors. You will be referred to the most appropriate expert who is able to help you.
All counsellors are accredited by UK acccreditation bodies, including the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), British Psychological Society (BPS), UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the National Counselling Society (NCS).
In addition to telephone counselling, we can offer access to our network of face-to-face counsellors. In person counselling will take place near your home.
If you would like telephone counselling please call our helpline number. If you feel you would benefit from in-person counselling, call or email the ICE Benevolent Fund office to arrange.
For more information about specialist counselling for anxiety, or counselling for minors, please visit the Anxiety UK page or the Open Door youth counselling page.