Comfort in times of grief
How we help you
Free 24-hour helpline
Confidential advice on a vast range of topics to support you through a difficult time.
Bereavement counselling
Telephone or face-to-face counselling.
Financial support
One-off payments or ongoing support.
Online wellbeing resources
Covering the topics of grief and loss.
Support for your family
In the sad event that you’re no longer around, we can support your immediate family with all these services too.
The Ben Fund can provide practical and emotional support if you, or your family, experience bereavement.

When a loved one dies, the experience can shake you to the core and yet there are many things to attend to at this time.
Whether it’s sudden or expected, when a spouse or close friend or relative dies, you might face the overwhelming responsibility of dealing with their affairs.
From organising the funeral to closing bank accounts and carrying out the terms of a Will, there are often many decisions and arrangements to be made.
Our helpline is available to support you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can provide counselling and specialist legal and financial advice.
We can provide telephone or face-to-face counselling to suit your preference. In person bereavement counselling will take place near your home.
Please make sure you let your family know about the Ben Fund, as we can support them, even in the sad event that you are no longer around.
You and your immediate family can access financial support, ranging from one-off payments and/or regular monthly grants.