Helping you manage anxiety
How we support you
Initial wellbeing assessment
To assess which therapies might be most appropriate.
One to one therapy
By telephone, online or face-to-face.
Therapies available
Counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), or clinical hypnotherapy.
Anxiety UK Membership
Includes email and telephone, information resources and discounts on products.
The Ben Fund can support you and your family to cope with anxiety, stress and depression

We have teamed up with award-winning charity Anxiety UK to put together a specialised programme of support for ICE members and their families living with anxiety, stress and depression.
Anxiety UK is a national charity that has over 40 years’ experience of supporting individuals and organisations with its services. It can help people manage a range of anxiety conditions and disorders such as generalised anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive behaviour, stress, phobias and health anxiety.
The Ben Fund covers the cost of the service and can offer it to ICE members, former members and their immediate families.
Therapy services are provided through an approved network.
If you are interested in receiving support through Anxiety UK then please contact the Ben Fund directly.

It was great to talk to someone who knew exactly how to support me
I have suffered quite seriously with mental health issues in the past and I know how crippling they can be if left to get out of hand. I am sure that this referral, and the sessions, ensured that I did not spiral into a dark place and allowed me the opportunity to go through what was a difficult time and to come out the other side.
*The image used in this case is a representation of our beneficiary to retain his privacy (photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash)