Grants for overseas members
One-off grants
Depending on your circumstances.
Monthly payments
To those with limited income or unable to work.
Help with independence
Paying for disability aids, adaptations or equipment.
House repairs or maintenance
To support you at home.
Helping you have time out or helping carers have a break.
Making ends meet from day to day can be a constant balancing act – and of course it's impossible to know what might be around the corner.
From funding for essential everyday things to emergency grants that can turn a person’s life around, the Ben Fund can help make a real difference.
As an ICE member, if you, or your immediate family, are experiencing financial difficulties, please get in touch.
One-off payments
We can provide one-off grants to get you through a particularly challenging time, perhaps to purchase a specific piece of equipment or an item that would make your life easier.
Examples include disability aids and help with property maintenance or necessary home improvements.
Ongoing support
We can also offer monthly grants for up to six months, sometimes longer depending on circumstance.
This might involve supporting members through illness, periods of unemployment or those facing a temporary setback.
Apply online today
You don't have to be at crisis point to approach us for help. If you are feeling the strain, contact us now.
You can check your eligibility status below and then start the process by applying online or downloading the application form.

Help is out there
Josephine’s husband had been a civil engineer for more than 50 years. Like many family members, she was unaware that the ICE Benevolent Fund existed.
*The image used in this case is a representation of our beneficiary to retain her privacy (photo by Nika Art on Shutterstock)