Last chance to ‘nab a free Will!

Over the last year and a half, more than 1500 ICE members and their partners have taken up the opportunity to write a free Will through the Ben Fund's partnership with National Free Wills Network.
We want to let you know that this service will be coming to an end for new referrals on Friday 28 June 2024.
All requests to make use of the service will be honoured, provided you have gotten in touch with us before 28 June, regardless of how long it takes to complete the Will-writing process.
While writing a Will can be a daunting process, it is one of the most important things you'll ever do - yet, 70% of UK adults do not have a Will in place, and risk their estate becoming subject to the laws of intestacy.
If you or your partner/spouse make up part of this statistic, you still have time to make use of our offering.
The service covers creation of a standard Will for free. On the rare occasion where a Will may be more complex, the standard element remains free. You will not be expected to leave a legacy to the Ben Fund.
To get started, get in touch with us or click here to find out more!